About us

Our success has come from a truly dynamic and diversified team who take a joined-up approach bringing unparalleled wealth of experience, skills and knowledge working with the determination, passion and commitment to serve our customers. Our in-house capability and ability to swiftly identify market opportunities give us the edge and sets us apart from our competition.

Albeit from one luxury property or several residential homes, flats we offer and provide tailor made services with our core focus in London for both residential and commercial Property.

We are committed to supporting our clients in all aspects in a confidential, efficient and yet thorough, bespoke manner to suit their individual needs.

Our proactive initiatives, implementing prudent operating practices, relying on complete and analytical data and combined team experience is instrumental in helping you make the right decisions when it matters most, enabling our clients to meet their goals.

Management of properties is highly onerous. Considerable care is required to undertake in these day-to-day tasks and avoid long delays. We understand the cumbersome issues that can arise and have the know-how to navigate through them to find the perfect solution to selling your property at the best possible market price with a realistic and honest view. You can also count on our experienced property management team who well keep your property maintained and efficiently managed.

At Tiddles Property Consultants, we work passionately to give you that peace of mind and relieve you of the burden letting you focus on things that really matter.

Our professional team aims to deliver any service required to your property, taking into account best management practices, whether it is an individual or a property portfolio.

With a budget analysis, we can help you on a case to case basis understand where your money can be more productively spent and how it can reduce gratuitous costs in your property.